Mechanics of Materials

Calvin Rans Videos

Calvin Rans, a professor at TU Delft, has created lots of videos to help students learn the Mechanics of Materials course. If you click on the playlist button at the top right of the video, you can scroll through all the videos he has created. Link to the youtube playlist


These summaries are written by past students and provide an overview of all topics covered in the course.

Extensive summary of the whole course - 2101 clicks Overview of important theory for the course - 1030 clicks


These resources might help you.

Interactive instruction website from the Missouri University


A collection of past papers.

Exam (2014) - 742 clicks Exam Solutions (2014) - 368 clicks


The formula sheets below provide an overview of the equations used in this course.

Overview of the most important equations and standard solutions - 1393 clicks


The following books and solution manuals can provide additional study material.

Hibbeler 8th Edition Solutions - 3319 clicks Hibbeler 7th Edition Solutions - 769 clicks Solutions to 'Engineering Mechanics' by Meriam & Kraige - 630 clicks Callister Materials Science and Engineering Solutions - 382 clicks

Last Update: 10. Apr 2018