Aerospace Materials


These summaries are written by past students and provide an overview of all topics covered in the course.

☆ Summary by Sebastiaan van Oosterhout (6. Apr 2018) - 20311 clicks Summary of the Old Course "Materials and Manufacturing 1" by Hildo Bijl - 1870 clicks ☆ Summary by Bas Comuth (28. Jan 2019) - 1405 clicks Summary of the Old Course "Materials and Manufacturing 2" by Hildo Bijl - 665 clicks Collection of Formulae for Aerospace Materials by Juan G. Olivert Serra (10. Apr 2022) - 532 clicks Dutch Summary of the Old Course "Materials and Manufacturing 1" - 460 clicks


A collection of past papers.

January 2019 with Solutions - 1826 clicks Exam (2008) - 983 clicks Exam Solutions (2008) - 459 clicks


The following books and solution manuals can provide additional study material.

Solutions for Materials, Engineering, Processing and Design (2017) - 2531 clicks Introduction and Overview of Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures - 360 clicks

Last Update: 26. Sep 2020