Linear Algebra
Essence of Linear Algebra Playlist by 3Blue1Brown. Very good videos to quickly and intuitively understand the subject. (Click on the playlist button at the top right of the video to scroll through the playlist.)
Math Faculty's playlist explaining basic Linear Algebra concepts. (Click on the playlist button at the top right of the video to scroll through the playlist.)
These summaries are written by past students and provide an overview of all topics covered in the course.
☆ 30 Page Summary by Michele Facchinelli (1. Feb 2017) - 1552 clicks Long, Detailed Summary (60 pages) by David C. Lay - 1008 clicks Short summary of the first half of the quarter by the teachers - 562 clicks 20 Page Summary by Hildo Bijl - 553 clicks Short summary of the second half of the course by the teachers - 440 clicks Handwritten Summary by Miguel Angel Saez (1. Jun 2017) - 393 clicksFormulasheets
The formula sheets below provide an overview of the equations used in this course.
Linear Algebra Formulas - 1234 clicksBooks
The following books and solution manuals can provide additional study material.
Solutions to the third edition Linear Algebra book - 1699 clicksLast Update: 26. Sep 2020