Aerodynamics I


These summaries are written by past students and provide an overview of all topics covered in the course.

Aerodynamics A - 3904 clicks Aerodynamics B - 1964 clicks Aerodynamics C - 1326 clicks


These resources might help you.

Fundamentals of Aerodynamics 5th Ed by J.D. Anderson


A collection of past papers.

January 2005 Aerodynamics C - 907 clicks June 2008 Aerodynamics C - 623 clicks


The formula sheets below provide an overview of the equations used in this course.

Aerodynamics Formula Overview - 1622 clicks Aerodynamics B Formula Overview - 1016 clicks


The following books and solution manuals can provide additional study material.

Full Book Solutions - 1889 clicks

Last Update: 1. Feb 2019